Featured, School News

Programs of Choice (Planning for Next Year)

Programs of Choice

Programs of Choice allow students to explore their interests, support their strengths or get exposed to a career. The Burnaby School District offers dozens of options, with many at the secondary level put on in partnership with higher education institutions or industry.

Programs of Choice – Secondary and Elementary Students

Information Sessions

Information sessions are a great way to learn more about course planning and Programs of Choice – including language programs such as French Immersion and Career Education options – as well as elective classes for high school students. Information sessions are being held in person.
Learn more by clicking on the following links:

Secondary School Course Planning and Career Education Information Sessions

French Immersion Program – Elementary Students

Mandarin Language Arts Program – Elementary Students

Welcome to Kindergarten – for Parents of Children with Diverse Abilities and Disabilities

For more information, you can visit the district website HERE.